Daily Aquarius Horoscope August 26 (26/08)


Jan 20 − Feb 18

Alias: Alias: The Water Bearer

August 26


daily aquarius horoscope:

summary aquarius daily

Star 7/10

Sticking with traditional ways of thinking or doing something probably doesnt interest you at the best of times, and youre not likely to feel inspired to stick with whats traditional now even if youre encouraged to do so. To you, this feels like taking the easy option and goes against the grain of what learning and discovery are all about. You can benefit from listening to the voice of your rebellious side now. A new idea or way of doing something needs you to explore it.


summary aquarius tomorrow

Star 9/10

How long is a piece of string? Why isnt there mouse-flavored cat food? Why are buildings called buildings when theyre already built? Life will always pose questions that are rhetoric or unanswerable. Most of us have better things to do with our time than try to answer most of them, anyway. Where a certain question is presenting itself in your world, does it require the amount of brain power youre inclined to give it? Thats the only question you should be asking now!


summary aquarius weekly

Star 9/10

A dilemma likely to present itself this week will require enthusiasm levels to be high, and this is something the cosmos appears keen to assist with. Its also assisting with ensuring your persistence and determination levels remain high and this combination will be integral to you reaching a decision or finding a solution. Youre being encouraged to adopt a new approach to an old problem and this will involve removing questions youve been asking yourself that are no longer relevant or appropriate being replaced with those that need asking in the light of changing circumstances that are far more relevant and appropriate!


summary aquarius monthly

Star 8/10

The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 7th occurs in your sign and could intensify certain emotions, causing you to feel confused about how and why youre reacting to situations in ways you are. The Eclipse could also highlight what or who needs releasing from your world. What or who youve outgrown could become clear and taking a bold step to move on could be difficult but necessary. With a New Moon Solar Eclipse highlighting relationships and commitments, a new and delightful chapter awaits where your connection with a certain person is concerned.


health aquarius daily

Star 9/10

You can give to others without sacrificing your own health. And, if you take your health seriously, you know that every decision we make throughout the day has to do with our health. So, if your friends want to meet for coffee and talk - go for it but order herbal tea if you are trying to minimize your caffeine intake (a good idea these days). If it\s pasta night at someone\s house, have two servings of salad.


health aquarius tomorrow

Star 8/10

There is a planetary configuration now that might force you to look at your whole approach to physical health and say \"Yuck!\" or \"C\mon, let\s step it up!\" Be appreciative of the insights you have when you feel upset with things - there is much to be said for starting over with a new approach. One small step that is important for you to take, is a serious look at posture - especially when you are at your desk. This can help you to avoid back and shoulder pain.


health aquarius weekly

Star 9/10

Over are the delays you\ve experienced in getting results of hospital tests or healing from an illness. Everything will now improve, including your progress. You might need to lighten your schedule anyway. Aspects in your career zone could prove both stressful and promising at the same time. Find a way to relax.


health aquarius monthly

Star 9/10

The presence of delectable Venus in your wellness zone over the weeks ahead may not bode well for your diet, but it doesnt have to be that way. If you find yourself eating or drinking too much or seeking other distractions, it could be because youre avoiding deep-seated feelings. There may be a shift if you can be honest with yourself about aspects of your life that may not be working out as well as youd hoped. Going on a diet or subjecting yourself to strenuous exercise are all good, but even better would be to resolve those deep-seated feelings.


love aquarius daily

Star 9/10

You love to chat about everything under the Sun, but the planetary aspect at play makes some of the talk a little like a sermon delivered by a very high-powered preacher. Whether it\s you initiating the conversation, or another, you both need to stop forcing one particular outcome. Move with the moment, and just let the discussion flow. This will produce a truly satisfactory result.


love aquarius tomorrow

Star 9/10

With today\s planetary configuration, you feel very full of the magic of life. You can do a lot to improve your romantic life, but it needs to be based on reality, and not on idle promises. You have the possibility of having a good day, but if you say that you are going to take your dearest to Paris for lunch, then mean it - otherwise there could be problems.


love aquarius weekly

Star 7/10

You can learn a lot by meeting new people at the beginning of the week. Every person you encounter wont turn into a lover, but if they arent right for you, you can play matchmaker for your friends. You dont enjoy being around crowds later in the week, so arrange to meet a date someplace quiet and comfortable. If you spend the weekend dateless, thats actually fine with you.


love aquarius monthly

Star 9/10

On August 7, the Full Moon is in your sign and your dating life is in a comfortable, platonic space. You arent exactly stuck in the friend zone, but right now youre more interested in having fun and being goofy than impressing anyone in a romantic sense. A Sun-Saturn trine on August 13 could cause some heated moments, but only if youre willing to make them happen. This isnt a passive aspect, so a laid-back, casual dating style wont be rewarded. Take advantage of some very intense moments during the much-anticipated Solar Eclipse-Leo New Moon on August 21. Some things only happen once in a very great while.


career aquarius daily

Star 7/10

Other people may be very intimidating to you today. As a result, it may be hard for you to stand up and say what you believe in. Remember that your voice is just as important as the next person\s. This is no time to shrink into the background.


career aquarius tomorrow

Star 10/10

Your most practical ideas are the ones that will win you the most points. People will appreciate grounding and stability much more than they will respond to fantasy or speculation. Earn favor with others by letting this side of you shine through.


career aquarius weekly

Star 9/10

You may be hurt by someone\s real or imagined disloyalty. Talk about your feelings to clear the air. Some longstanding situations can be uncomfortable this week. Remember that everyone is feeling some extra stress right now. Thursday is fortunate for any business or career decision. Your opinion is valued. Give advice and assistance when asked. This can lead to new opportunities later. Your generosity will be remembered. Do your best to finish what you start this week.


career aquarius monthly

Star 9/10

Youll be able to leave a role that no longer suits you in early August. Be ready to walk away from an unrewarding job around August 7. Once youre free of this obligation, youll be able to pursue a more rewarding career opportunity that involves lots of travel. Entering a business partnership on August 21 is strongly advised. While your associate handles public relations and sales, youll be able to concentrate on organizational matters. This will be a match made in heaven. Dont worry about dealing with someone who seems to be your complete opposite. These differences will work to your advantage.



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